All On 4 Plus®Implants

You might lose teeth due to an accident, dental issue, or ageing. However, losing teeth can have a damaging impact on your overall well-being. All On 4 Plus® dental implants is a treatment recommended if you need to replace damaged or missing teeth. It can help you regain the normal functions of your teeth while restoring your natural smile.

These revolutionary implants can help restore the functionality of your mouth so you can enjoy your favourite foods and feel more confident – all while improving your overall dental health.

All On 4 Plus Dental Implants

What Are All On 4 Plus® Implants?

All On 4 Plus® are full mouth implants that feel and look like natural teeth. This dental implant solution allows you to have a full arch of your damaged or missing teeth replaced with a reliable, safe, and effective long-term treatment, while avoiding traditional, long procedures.

These implants offer a strong foundation supported by a fixed denture or bridge where the replacement teeth can be attached. You can get full arch teeth replaced with just four dental implants.

Regaining That Confident Smile
All On 4 Plus® Dental Implants

How we see ourselves is from an inside out perspective. When we feel great within, people can feel the energy we give out to others externally. Transforming your smile is much deeper than many people may believe and we’re here to guide you on this journey at every step of the way.

You might lose teeth due to an accident, dental issue, or ageing. However, losing teeth can have a damaging impact on the overall well-being of an individual. Dental implants are an ideal treatment for most patients to replace damaged or missing teeth. It can help you regain the normal functions of your teeth while also restoring your beautiful smile.

All On 4 Plus® implants can help recover your full mouth functionality so you can enjoy your favourite foods and boost your confidence. It also improves overall dental health. Our experienced dentists have the expertise to provide you with the best dental treatment based on your condition.

The 4 Step Process of All On 4 Plus® Implants

All On 4 Plus® Plus implants are a simple procedure with a fast recovery time. Here are the three steps of this dental implant:

Step 1. Consultation & Design

You will first have an initial consultation where one of our experienced dentists will conduct a full assessment of your teeth, including a 3D Cone Beam CT Xray  assess the bone quality and quantity for the appropriate procedure.

If full mouth dental implants are the most appropriate options for you, your dentist will explain the procedure, benefits and possible risks to help you make an informed decision.

Finance options including payment plans and release of Superannuation will be discussed and organised if required.

Step 2. Preparation for Implant Surgery

Once everything is organised, you’ll be required to return two weeks prior to the surgery to have your records taken in readiness for the implant surgery.

These may include, but not limited to photos of your teeth & smile, pre-operative instructions for the surgery and general anaesthetic and a prescription of antibiotics.

During this visit we will also address any other questions you may have.

Step 3. Implant Placement

During this visit dental implants will be placed as required with or without general anaesthesia. If you are having All On 4 Plus®, your first set of teeth will be inserted on the day so you can go home with a brand new smile. Your final teeth will be inserted 2-3 days later.

If you opt for traditional full mouth implants, a healing period of 3 months is generally required before the final teeth can be inserted.

Step 4. Review & Follow Up Visits

A review of the surgery will be conducted 1-2 weeks post surgery to see how well you are healing.

Subsequently, you will need to come for regular checkup and hygiene visits every 3-6 months to ensure everything is healthy, clean and well maintained.

Benefits of All On 4 Plus® Implants

All On 4 Plus® implants offer a wide range of advantages compared to other dental implant treatments. Here are some of the major ones:


Safe and efficient procedures


Less invasive compared to other procedures


Good for treating for multiple dental issues


Easy to take care of and doesn't require any adhesive


No friction or pain between the dentures and the gums


You do not have to avoid particular food afterwards


Enhances the quality of your life and confidence


Prevents bone deterioration

All On 4 Plus® Before & After

Our team has conducted multiple successful All On 4 Plus® dental implants. Here are some of the before and after images of our patients to help you determine the difference this treatment can make internally and externally in your life.

Personalised Treatment Plan by An Experienced Dental Team

With All On 4 Plus®, rediscover your natural smile through a cost-effective and efficient treatment designed for long-lasting results. Our dental implants are customized to fit your unique facial structure, ensuring a genuine smile.

Our skilled dental team has plenty of experience. Feel free to ask them any questions regarding your upcoming All On 4 Plus® dental implant procedure. Our main goal is to give you the most effective solution for your dental concerns.

All On 4 Plus®Dental Implant FAQs

The Right All On 4 Plus®
Solution For You

If you have damaged or missing teeth that need fixing, All On 4 Plus® might be the best dental treatment for you.

We only use the highest quality materials and products, along with innovative dental technology to provide you with the best-personalised treatment based on your needs.

Payment Plans Available